In Michigan, the Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth (DELEG) is the state agency which regulates the energy system of the state. DELEG was established to prepare for a new energy economy and to promote job creation and economic growth in Michigan by centralizing and streamlining the state’s job, workforce, and economic development functions under one department.
The Bureau of Energy Systems of DELEG promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy resource development to Michigan’s residents, businesses, and public institutions.
DELEG is composed of the following labor and economic development agencies to promote economic growth in Michigan.
The important agencies under DELEG are:
1. The Bureau of Commercial Services
The bureau is responsible for assuring that the licensees for different commercial occupations meet the minimum standards for operating in Michigan. The bureau maintains public records of business entities, issues licenses, and conducts investigations to ensure that the people are conducting business legally and competently.
2. The Corporation Division
This division provides services to corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships. It helps foreign entities to obtain a certificate of authority to transact business.
3. The Enforcement Division
This division protects consumers through licensing and regulation of certain professions, occupations, businesses and services.
4. Licensing Division
This division determines eligibility for examination and licensure, monitors licensee’s compliance with continuing education requirements, and provides administrative support to the boards and oversees administration of examinations.
The Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC) is a regulatory agency which aims for the growth of the state economy. The Michigan PSC works to enhance the quality of life of its communities by assuring safe and reliable energy, telecommunication, and transportation services at reasonable prices.
The PSC is organized into the following Divisions:
1. The Regulated Energy Division (RED)
The division provides the Commission with technical assistance and recommendations to ensure that regulated electric, gas, steam and waste water services are provided in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner at fair and reasonable prices for Michigan’s citizens and businesses. The RED regulates Michigan’s competitive environment.
2. The Electric Reliability Division
This division oversees electric reliability. It is made up of three sections: Energy Efficiency, Generation Certificate of Need, and Renewable Energy.
3. The Management Services Division (MSD)
The MSD is responsible for staff support to the PSC and for all activities related to administrative issues, energy grants, energy data and security
4. The Operations and Wholesale Markets Division
This division provides the Commission with technical assistance and recommendations on electric and natural gas services and issues in order to ensure that regulated electric and natural gas services are provided in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner to enhance Michigan’s competitive economic environment.
5. The Service Quality Division (SQD)
This division is responsible for assisting the commission with the development, implementation, and enforcement of telephone and energy utility quality of service rules, orders, and policies.
6. The Telecommunications Division
This division is responsible for providing the commission with technical assistance and policy recommendations on telecommunications issues. It is comprised of three sections: Licensing and Competitive Issues, Operations and Tariffs, and Rates and Financial Analysis.
In Michigan, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) conserves, protects, and managed state natural resources. The DNRE is committed to the accessible use and enjoyment of the state’s environment and natural resources.
Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth