In Hawaii, the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism is the state’s resource center for economic and statistical data, business development opportunities, energy and conservation information, and foreign trade advantages. It serves as Hawaii’s statewide energy resources coordinator. The department’s Strategic Industries Division supports the energy resources coordinator and serves as Hawaii’s State Energy Office.
Hawaii is the most oil-dependent state in the U.S. Hawaii’s significant renewable energy resources include: solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro power, ocean wave, and ocean thermal energy. Hawaii’s energy policy seeks to ensure:
- dependable, efficient, and economical energy;
- increased energy self-sufficiency;
- greater energy security; and
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The department’s ‘The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI)’ is leading the way to energy independence for Hawaii.
The areas where the department promotes energy efficiency include:
- residential buildings;
- commercial and government buildings;
- educational Buildings;
- building energy code;
- people, organizations, workshops and conferences;
- recycling;
- publications;
- solar water heater variance request information;
- Refrigerator Rebate Program; and
- Hawaii Green Business Program.
In Hawaii, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission is a public utilities commission, a quasi-judicial tribunal, which regulates public service companies operating in the state.
The functions of the commission include:
- regulating all franchised or certificated public service companies operating in the State;
- prescribing rates, tariffs, charges and fees;
- determining the allowable rate of earnings in establishing rates;
- issuing guidelines concerning the general management of franchised or certificated utility businesses; and
- acting on requests for the acquisition, sale, disposition or other exchange of utility properties, including mergers and consolidations.
The commission monitors and regulates industries of energy, petroleum, telecommunications, transportation, water, and waste water.